Mon 27 Jan
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls)
💕💜 Freaky 42 DDD Busty Brittney 100 special! 💜💕 UPSCALE INCALL - 23
(East Bay, Emeryville Berkeley Oakland)
🍌 Super Sexy and Ready For a Great Time!!!! 😘 _________________________ Petite Pretty & Prompt!!!
(Omaha, ▄▀❤▀▄ ————402*289*7559 OUTCALL ———▄▀❤▀▄)
ExTrA * 50 * ExTrA * 50 * Specials _ 50 _ ( CLICK Here 2 SEE NEW PICS) - 21
(Arlington, Arlington/ Ft Worth/ Dallas/ Mid Cities)
Where Rio and Seoul Meet... INDULGE YOURSELF ☆ Asian/Latin Paradise BLUE MOON SPA - 24
(Midtown West, ██ 7th Ave (Near 31st))
ACE Spa! - Best Asian Relaxation in town ! Under New Management & New Staff !!! Best in Town !!!! - 23
(Houston, Houston, TX)
☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Need help keeping your ad at the top?????? - 99
(Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, Missoula, Montana)
Fulfill your desires with Mz Chyna in Oakland - 29
(Castro Valley, Oakland incall/ outcalls thru out Bay/SF)
LAST DAY IN TOWN. . .CUmM See How REALTexas Gals Do It/ VISITING from the 24th-26th - 22
(Houston/ Galleria Area!! (IN or OUT))
✨FIRST TIME in San Francisco✨ 🔥HOT petite BLONDE🔥 ✨100% MY Pictures or FREE!✨ Call N0W Baby!🔥💣🕤 - 22
(Brentwood, Concord, East Bay, Fremont, Pleasanton, Richmond, walnut creek/san ramón/concord)
World-Class Super Busty Blonde For Gentlemen Who Seek Refined, Quality Companionship 24/7 :-) - 33
(East Side, Eastside Manhattan Incall)
Having Problems With Your Ad Disappearing or Paying For Up Grades READ THIS - 21
(Anok/Chis/Isa, Bemidji, Brainerd, Carv/Sher/Wri, Dakota/Scott, Duluth, Escorts Read This, Hennepin Co, Mankato, Minneapolis / St. Paul, Ramsey Co, Rochester, St. Cloud, Washington/WI)
♥ East Ft. Worth Area ♥ Good Times..W/O The Drama, Games or Bullsh*t..MissMolly 24/7 ♥ ♥ - 44
(Fort Worth, East Ft.Worth area)
Ace Spa! Beautiful Staff ** Best Rated Relaxation In Town * Must Vist Every Week For New Talent!!** - 22
Absolutely 💯% Every picture Every angle Every Ãd SAME Girl👍Yep its 💯% true🍭 Ask about my SpeciaLs! 💋 - 29
(Houston, Houston, 45N 1960 Woodlands Galleria IAH)
WEDNESDAY + THURSDAY Specials___10AM til Midnight___SUPER Reviewed!___UNMATCHED SKILLS! - 39
(just few blocks from Times Square, Manhattan, Midtown West)
Craigslist Adult Services Closed - has 250,000 guys looking for you now.
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa)
--WARNING-- {Big BooTy} DaNGERous CuRVes --- Super KiNKy BLaCk/AsIaN --- NO RuSH!! - 18
(new INTOWN..manhattan square)
💋💕💄 ❥ 😊 ♥ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »-♥-» S▒E▒X▒X▒Y 💖💖💖B▒L▒O▒N▒D▒E ☺💋💕💄 ❥ - - 22
(San Mateo, San Mateo Bure Palo Alto San Bruno)
------All American Red Head At Your Service------- Ask About my two girl special - 23
5. °o♥° STAR °o♥°o TREATMENT. °o♥° NEW TO TOWN 316-650-0665
(Tulsa and surrounding areas)
A V A I L A B L E N O W!!!!!!! just turned 18...Black & Indian WAITING on you - 18
(59/galleria area)
Want the girl nextdoor? I'm delivered 2u! Let this little white girl make your day - 23
(East Side, Manhattan, Manhattan-Available for OUTCALLS)
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, In town, Kalispell, Missoula)
Satisfaction Guaranteed! ❤️ Excellent Reviews! ❤️ Avail Now For OUTCALL! - 20
(Portland, Portland Outcall)
A One of a Kind PLATINUM Blonde M|LF........ Often Imitated... Never Duplicated ... !!!!! - 29
(Houston, Hobby ClearLake MedCtr Galleria Downtown)
!~♡! !SWEET & PETITE - SATISFACTION ! !♡~ • I am simply amazing! GREAT RATES!! - 22
(Hennepin Co, OUTCALL ONLY)
A Quiet Whisper...A Gentle Touch...Just What You’ve Been Needing! Right?? - 31
(Brainerd, Duluth, Hometown Girl Tonight, Rochester)
AFTERNOON~~ ~ NIGHT ~~~ SPE CIAL~ !! ! / L A A Y 7*1*3*3 *7*7*3*2 *8*5* - 23
(45 NORTH / 1960 /near Richey)
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, In town, Kalispell, Missoula)
Welcome CANDY!! SWEET!! Stunning ——— MEMORABLE!! ———- Hot P i n k NYC - 23
(East Side, █ East 30's 646-342-7748)
80 80 80!!Quick session $pecials now! Lava liips....$uck the skin off.....thick curvy and busty💄💋 - 24
(Hennepin Co, INCALL Brooklyn center)
Gorgeous busty blonde is ready to play now!! SFO Airport incalls - 21
(San Mateo, SFO airport incalls)
Sensual & sweet or hot & heavy 💋 All NATURAL hairy! - 26
(Eugene, Eugene (outcall only), Portland, Salem)
Available in 2 Weeks!!!!!thick curvy and busty💄💋tight gripping and pleasing - 24
(Hennepin Co, INCALL Brooklyn center)
▃▅▆██▆▅▃ Freaky 42 DDD Busty Brittney 100 special! ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 23
(East Bay, Fremont Newark Hayward Union City)
💕💜 Freaky 42 DDD Busty Brittney 100 special! 💜💕 Berkeley Incall - 23
(East Bay, Berkeley Emeryville Pinole)
*¨¨*×X×SEXY BRUNETTES WAITING 4 U ×X× *¨¨* CALL NOWX× *¨¨* CALL NOW ×X×*¨¨* - 347 875 7102 - 21
(MIDTOWN EAST 45TH 347 875 7102)
🌴LetsPlay!! 🌺Outcall& Hottubs_✨~ AllDay! Stunning-🌴 Tight- WellReviewed 🍃- Satisfaction Guarantee✨ - 20
(City of San Jose, Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, 💦Outcalls Monday-Sunday💋 24/7)
WOW! DD Japanese Playmate SUPER SEXY and FUN (o)(o) Independent + private apartment - - 917-805-3514 - 24
(Midtown West, midtown 36st private apartment)
**FAKE ALERT** 9188295827 is using fake pictures & a stolen ad! Tiffany is a fake!! - 24
(Lawton - Oklahoma City)
VISITING from Florida- Hollwood Heather-407-506-6419 blonde beauty - 28
(Columbia, Piney Grove Rd. just off Hwy 26)
Spend a Hour (or more) With ME ~ Just What the Dr. Ordered 2 Brighten Up Ur Day Session Avail NOW - 29
(Omaha, INCALL Sessions Available Call to Book)
✔ A+ SERVICE!!! ✔ I _ G E T _ M Y _ A S S I G N M E N T _ D O N E!!! ✔ - 23
(Houston, 290 Near Beltway 8 In/Out)
WARNING! SPECIALS*** ABS0LUTELY G0RGE0US & FIT H0TTiE!!!! *** MUST SEE!! 100% Independent!! ***__ - 20
420 friendly! ^^Booking up fast! ^^Billings Bozeman Helena Great Falls Kalispell Missoula in/out - 27
(Billings Boze Helena GF Kalispell Miss, Bozeman)
_New__"HO N EY"__BiG BOoTY __NyM>ph>O__New___ - 22
(Burlingame Incall's, Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo)
flight to Boston I'm the head of my class let me show u why? - 25
World-Class Super Busty Blonde For Selective Gentlemen: 24/7 Even Early Morning & Late Night :-) - 33
(Downtown, Eastside Manhattan Incall: Available)
Altus Tonight.(call me I lost all phone numbers).34DD ☆Hot Blonde MILF rdy to get w••e••t•• - 39
(Altus, Lawton)